Season 1, Episode 9

Mark Hacking

Upgrade to publish Code Block

Victim, Lori Hacking.

Mark and Lori.

Eraldo Soare, father of Lori Hacking, addresses the media.

People gather to watch Eraldo Soares, the father of Lori Hacking, address the media.

Trying to hold back tears, Doug Hacking and his wife Janet read a statement to the press after their son, Mark Hacking was given a six years to life sentence.

Thelma Soares, mother of murdered Lori Hacking, addresses

Mark Hacking during his sentencing June 6, 2005 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Thelma Soares, mother of Lori Hacking, breaks down as she

addresses the judge during Mark Hacking's sentencing.

Mark Hacking cries as the judge gives judgment during his sentencing.

Mark Hacking and his defense attorney stand before Judge Denise Lindberg.

Janet Hacking, Mark Hacking's mother, addresses the judge during

her son's sentencing.

Mark Hacking with his attorney, Gilbert Athay, reacts after

having signed his plea agreement April 15, 2005 during a pretrial hearing.

Mark Hacking stands at the podium with his attorney during his pretrial hearing.

Mark Hacking is escorted out of the courtroom.

Mark Hacking listens to the judge during his pretrial hearing.

Lori's silver Chevrolet was found at the gates of Memory Grove Park, the place where she allegedly took a sunrise run on the day she went missing.

In the days after Lori's disappearance, more than 1,200 volunteers took to the hills where she may have jogged, searching for any clues that might help bring Lori home.

Police affixed crime-scene tape to the door of Mark and Lori's Salt Lake City apartment.

Mark's parents, Janet and Douglas Hacking (far right), and Lori's parents, Eraldo and Thelma Soares (left), kept a united front during the search efforts. When Mark's deceptions came under scrutiny, family members told reporters that they wanted to keep the focus on finding Lori, not on Mark's behavior.

Janet Hacking and Thelma Soares, mothers of Mark and Lori, participated in a moment of silence at a candlelight vigil held for Lori at Memory Grove Park on Sunday, July 25, 2004.

Six days after Lori vanished, more than 3,000 volunteers turned out to distribute fliers and search for the missing Utah woman. That evening, they held candles and sat near the pond in Memory Grove Park at a vigil for Lori.

The monster that is Mark Hacking.

At a court appearance on Sept. 23, 2004, Hacking, seen here with his lawyer, Gil Athay, waived his right to a preliminary hearing, essentially acknowledging that prosecutors had enough evidence to support their charges.